Bunbury local Lynda Whitton, a dedicated champion for people living with multiple sclerosis (MS), has been awarded MS Australia’s highest honour, the 2024 John Studdy Award….
Newcastle’s Professor Jeannette Lechner-Scott, an internationally recognised neurologist and leader in multiple sclerosis (MS) research and clinical care, has been awarded the 2024 MS Research Award by MS Australia….
In 2015, 21-year-old Cass David was working in a Melbourne dental clinic and considering a career in nursing. But then, she began to feel unwell. “The maxillofacial surgeon I worked…
In a groundbreaking development, the PBAC has recommended listing ravulizumab (Ultomiris®) on the PBS for adults with NMOSD, marking a revolutionary step forward in NMOSD care….
The PBAC has recommended a proposed amendment to allow nurse practitioners to prescribe certain MS treatments under the PBS—a game-changer that will dramatically improve access to care, especially in regional…
CEO Rohan Greenland outlines the key activities for 2025, which promises to be another big and productive year for MS Australia and the MS community. Tighten your seat belts!…